Un' ombra in viaggio

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Un' ombra in viaggio

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In this short film we see a shadow that express the desire to separate from body to have a own life and so finally make a trip.
But where can a shadow go alone?
Then decide to take a trip in itself, to discover herself.
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Sostieni il Cinema indipendente di Riccardo Maffioli con una libera donazione

Se poi la tua generosità supera i 15 euro avrai in omaggio (spedito a casa) il dvd di un tuo film a scelta e una stampa su cotone di un'opera di  Riccardo Maffioli


Support the independent Cinema of Riccardo Maffioli with a free donation

If then your generosity exceeds 15 euros you will have free (sent home) the DVD of one of your films of your choice and a print on cotton of a work by Riccardo Maffioli

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